Reed Organs Ireland makes it to the National Concert Hall!

I haven't blogged for a while but that isn't because there's been a lull in the exciting world of reed organs! The restoration of my Estey Model O is coming along nicely. I've even made another purchase. It is a Canadian Karn. I couldn't resist it. It has a nice 16' stop in the bass and treble.

Do you remember the monstrous Doherty reed organ from Monaghan? The one which made it all the way back to Canada? The restoration of this organ has begun at the hands of the very capable and competent Rodney Jantzi. You can find follow progress on Rodney's site.

The most exciting happening, and this time I really mean full blown proper excitement, is that my Estey Chancel organ has made it to the stage of the National Concert Hall in Dublin. If you are not excited by the prospect of dismantling a reed organ to the very last screw and then putting it back together having cleaned and refurbished every last piece then surely you will be able to share my excitement at this occurrence. Click here to see some pictures and a little bit of background. 

I will be back again soon with some more reflections and thoughts on all things reed organ.